Thursday, April 7, 2011

A pretty sweet example of time in photography would be:

Eadweard Muybridge.

He's the bomb. Don't believe me? He was anenglish pioneer in capturing motion in photography. He created the zoopraxiscope which created moving images. for real. An interesting technique he would do is is capture the body in multiple positions on a single page. pretty sweet huh? He would do this by having the figure in a completely dark background. With the shutter open he would shine a light on the subject and click it on and off as the body moved, thus capturing the full movement. The dude has skills.

Here's some fun trivia about the man, the myth, the legend.
In 1887 he discovered his wife had a lover. So what did he do? He shot them man, right after he said "Good evening, Major, my name is Muybridge and here is the answer to the letter you sent my wife" ....Ok maybe that was over reacting...but eh i mean,..ok I cant really defend that.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

heres that mexican photographer again,

Manuel Álvarez Bravo. He is pretty sweet at taking interesting vantage points. I'm beginning to think I am a fan of his. In this one, it makes you think of the fruit in a whole different way.

Bill Brandt is a master of using vantage points through his photos. He often has body parts in interesting angles, and distorted nude figures through his photography. In this piece it appears as if it is taken from a womens point of view. The good use of lighting on the legs make it an intriguing picture.
This is a piece by Lee Friedlander. His usal subject matter is "social landscapes" which include local stores and street signs. In this picture he places the camera on the ground among a group of people sitting by a city. The picture makes you feel like you are part of the crowd.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Manuel Alvarez Bravo was a mexican photoghrapher in the early 20th century. I found this picture very intriguing due to the dark shadows along his side. the picture seems to be encompassed by darkness making it that more interesting.

Walker Evan's is another photographer I am somewhat familiar with. I like this photo because it captures what i imagine a simple american life would be like. It captures a time once past. It captures farm life and has a very charming quality to it.

Richard Avedon is one of the few photographers I am actually aware of. He was an important and key figure in photography and his photo's speak for themselves. I like this photo particulary mainly due to the subject matter. The model is attractive and has a sexual tension to it but does not exploit her or is explicit. The portrait composition is simple yet effective. The grey background and the lighting of the model create an interesting picture.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

watercolor studies

Celbrity Playing Cards

Asignment I did in which i made the face cards of a standard deck old should be pretty obvious what position they fall under based on what celbrity....Water color collage..